Mastering Leadership Skills: Insights from "The Chimp Paradox," "The Culture Code," and "How to Win Friends and Influence People" for Running a Dance Studio
I like to read to help me in certain areas of my life. Currently I am reading about leadership skills as I am running a dance studio with a group of friends. In this blog I will explore key insights I have found when reading these 3 very influential and practical books - “The Chimps Paradox”, “The Culture Code” and “How to win friends and influence people.” Leadership is an important skill to inspire a positive and hardworking atmosphere so clients and employees enjoy their work and are motivated to giving their best efforts, to consequently enable the studio to be successful. 1. Understanding the Chimp Paradox: "The Chimp Paradox" by Dr. Steve Peters analyses the complexity of the human mind. In a simple and clear way Dr. Steve Peters enables us to be aware of and manage our emotions and decision making in order for us to be more in control, confident and leading with our higher self. When running a dance studio it is extremely helpful to manage your own emotions whilst at