Hi Liam, love the choreography! Have you thought about filming it in different locations (with various backgrounds) then editing the footage, I-movie is a good programme, I use it with my students when they are creating Pop Videos :)
So, my passion is to create pieces of choreography/art that people can either relate to, or to make them understand my feelings or thoughts of an experience I have been through. I find choreography a good way to let out how I feel. Whether I find a song that I can relate to and create specific movements, that make sense to how I feel. Or it could be that I’m just in a good mood and want to find a song that matches that, and choreograph to it. As teaching is my main job to support me financially, along with some commercial work, I teach many classes per week, which means I have to do lots of choreography. I think this sometimes restricts my creativity as I sometimes really want to take my time on a piece of choreography, so that I fully get across how I feel and push my creativity to the maximum. Before I start teaching my choreography I usually explain to the people in my class, a little bit of what was going through my mind before I begin to teach anything. I never usual...
Here I teamed up with member s of my SIG to see how we could develop my questions, so that I had a more thorough investigation. 1) In what order do I label my professions? Do I label it in order, starting with the profession I believe I am highest in or do I label it to benefit the job I am applying for? When we discussed this question a good colleague and friend of mine, Jon Broni raised the idea that I ask them 2 simple questions: How would YOU label my profession? E.g. Teacher/Dancer/Choreographer Why? I felt this was a very good question to ask because here I will find out other peoples perspective of my practice, which will help when promoting and selling myself. Also, by asking people” why?” I will then get given a reason, which should answer the question “How do I label my profession?” This way I can calculate how people label professions. I was also thinking of asking another question along with this being “Would I ...
Thanks for that Liam - its great to see what you do.
ReplyDeleteHi Liam, love the choreography! Have you thought about filming it in different locations (with various backgrounds) then editing the footage, I-movie is a good programme, I use it with my students when they are creating Pop Videos :)
ReplyDeleteLiam this Choreography is great. I hope the reflection you are learning about will help you develop more ideas...